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Why Pick a Local Publisher?

Why Pick a Local Publisher?

By Leah Longfoot   Hello to all our wonderful website visitors… We’re back! We’ve been a bit digitally MIA recently, but don’t worry, we’ve got a great piece for you today.  In a world dominated by big AI companies, online marketplaces and global giants, choosing...
Quacks Books Unveils Their Latest Gems

Quacks Books Unveils Their Latest Gems

Hey there book lovers, check out some of the latest publications from Quacks Books! We’ve always said that there’s no quiet day here at Quacks Books, and that’s especially true with our friends over at Quacks Books. Being at the forefront of self-publishing,...
New Publications for Quacks Books

New Publications for Quacks Books

Hello again to our wonderful website visitors!  As the months of 2023 fly by, we wanted to take some time to pause and focus on some of our wonderful new publications. We’re really proud of every book that we produce within our Quacks Books division. Over the years...
So what are our plans for 2023?

So what are our plans for 2023?

As we enter into 2023, we thought it would be appropriate to let you know our plans for the year ahead. As always, one of our main priorities will be to continue to support local businesses with our reliable Radius Magazine distributed in Driffield, Beverley,...
We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

As we are approach Christmas day and head into the new year, we wanted to take some time to thank all of our customers for their support in 2022. We have had a wonderful year producing The Radius Magazine, alongside multiple book and printing projects. As we all know,...