01904 635967

7 Grape Lane, York YO1 7HU


As the Flow Cries

As the Flow Cries

As the Flow Cries Written by Laura Sutcliffe Illustrated by Laura Sutcliffe  Music by Laura Sutcliffe    As the Flow Cries is a subtly joyful collection of gentle yet rich reflections on the things that matter most. Although the words, songs, and beautifully...
The 36 From Ripon

The 36 From Ripon

The 36 From Ripon   Written by Caroline Matusiak   fox there he wasoutside the windowin the early morninghunkered in a hollowhuntinga sweat of rusted spicein the dew lush meadowcaught in dawn’s blushinquisitiveinquisitoralpha providersensingan invadersaw mewithout...
Green Heart

Green Heart

Green Heart Written by Brinley Price   These poems celebrate St Nicks Nature Reserve and Environment Centre and much imagery is drawn from Ecotherapy sessions over the course of several years. Many of the poems testify to the power of nature to lift our spirits and...
Sundry Poems

Sundry Poems

Sundry Poems Written by Dr Mary Munro-Hill   Dr Mary Munro-Hill is a Quaker and an Anglican (“Quanglican”) who has served as an Elder in the Pickering and Hull Monthly Meeting and as Quaker Chaplain and Anglican Reader at the University of Hull. She became a...