by Tim Leaman | Sep 22, 2022
Cycling with Cuthbert Author: Nick Morice Illustrator: Harold Gosney Twelve holidaymakers and a leader set off from Durham on a week’s cycling pilgrimage across Northumberland. Their goal is Holy Island, and on the way they learn the story of St Cuthbert and visit...
by Tim Leaman | Sep 22, 2022
Cycling with Peter Author: Nick MoriceIllustrator: Harold Gosney In Cycling with Cuthbert, twelve people go on a one-week cycling holiday from Durham to Lindesfarne, Northumberland. In this sequel, they re-unite for a similar holiday in Yorkshire. But life moves on,...
by Tim Leaman | Sep 22, 2022
Father Christmas and the Gift of Light Author: Stephen SayersIllustrator: Swea Sayers ‘On Christmas Eve, I like to sit quietly with candles and read a story. This year it will be the special story that is Father Christmas and the Gift of Light, with its gift of...
by Tim Leaman | Sep 21, 2022
Dippy Thumbs a Lift by Richard Carpenter Your great-grandfather will have still been wearing shorts when he was taken by his father to meet Dippy in his Hintze Hall home at the Natural History Museum. Dippy’s retirement means you cannot repeat this tradition. Dippy is...