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There is No Death (Letters from Katharine Ludlow 1926-1935)

by Jeremy Piercy

Discover a different world… Katharine Ludlow was a medium who had the gift of “automatic handwriting”. These letters are messages to her, written by her at top speed and without conscious thought, from an Oxford rector who lived in the early 1800s, and from her father after he died in 1933. They are a fascinating insight into life after death. If someone you love is ill or has died, if you have lost your job or gone though a divorce, or if you are just going through a difficult period, then these letters will be a source of inspiration to you. They are full of hope. They tell us, for instance, that we learn from every experience; even if we appear to have failed, if our motives are good, nothing is wasted. Our bodies may die, but our spirit continues to develop even after death; and the life of the spirit is more important than any material worries we may have. Katharine Ludlow described herself as a very “normal” person; she was not attached to any spiritualistic or psychical movement, and she never tried to make money from her gifts. These letters were only shown to friends. She does not claim they prove to anyone but herself the existence of life after death, but she felt the messages themselves are valuable and helpful and may help others to live their lives here on earth more nobly, and look forward to the future of that life without fear. Their spiritual insights are as relevant now as they were at the time they were written. In her youth Katharine was a suffragette, and throughout her life she was concerned about justice, liberty and progress. This book is therefore being sold on a non-profit basis, to raise funds to benefit others. 50% of the cover price will go to Tara Projects in India, which runs community schools in New Delhi’s slums, campaigns against child labour, and provides jobs through fair trade.