by Janet Dean and John Fieldhouse
A collection of poetry, prose, music and art by members and supporters of the Quaker community in and around York. Where does writing come from? Janet Deane Why do I write? John Fieldhouse About writing Janet Deane Nunnery ruins on Iona Margy Vernon Eve Margy Vernon In this together Yvie Holder Bicycling on the Moors John Gilham Tour de France John Gilham the Bonfire of the vanities John Fieldhouse Fossil hunter Barbara Webb the good doctor Angela Fisher three poems Carol=Ann Hooper the Leeds Carol Ruth Lissner Corry Child’s chair at Swarthmore Richard Carrington Rievaulx Abbey Elisabeth Alley Why I am a Quaker David Rubinstein Meeting for Worship Barbara Windle On where are we going? Kate Vernon-Rees Four poems Linda Baker the tiny little girl and the great big robot Heather Cawte La mer Nicky Metcalfe a story of courage and miraculous rescue Mabel Weiss a tale of two giants Stephen Sayers the enchanter John Fieldhouse Paving over England Helen Cadbury Gruff Helen Cadbury All proceeeds will go to the Development Fund of Friargate Meeting, York