01904 635967

7 Grape Lane, York YO1 7HU


Coming Home

by Lesley Seeger

The hard back book with dust wrapper contains some 240 images of Lesley Seeger’s beautiful paintings and mono prints. The foreword and interview of 4000 words has been written by Terry Brett of The Pyramid Gallery, York with the answers written by Lesley Seeger. The book contains a chronology of the life to the present of the Artist and the interview covers Inspirations and Influences; Process and Pracrice; Into the World; Current Plans and Projects and an illustrated list of paintings from 2006 – 2016. “Lesley’s work charms, with playful interweaving between a real and imaginary world. The use of bold colour and clever composition combines to convey an individual story behind the work.” Rachel Brown the Biscuit Factory, Newcastle upon Tyne. “This is not just a catalogue of her art. It is a description of the mind of a true artist.” Terry Brett director of Pyramid Gallery, York. “With our Quaker and print inheritance of over 300 years it is a pleasure for the Trust to be a funder of this analysis of light and colour.” the Chairman of the John Jackson Trust. “Lesley Seeger loves the boldness of colour… the beauty around us.” Charles Hutchinson, Art Editor, the Press, York. www.LesleySeeger.com facebook.com/lesleyseegerartist twitter.com/lesleyseeger

52 pages with many colour illustrations 250 x 270 mm hardback £25.00 ISBN 978-1-904446-74-3