by Rebecca Houghton | Aug 8, 2023
Telling Tales Written by Marianna Michell and Illustrated by Harold Gosney “Stop telling tales!” was the admonition if a child gossiped or sounded to be stretching the truth. In writing stories from our personal memory, the truth is subject to ‘slippage’. It...
by Tim Leaman | Sep 22, 2022
10 Top Tips For Good Mental Health Author: Ian...
by Tim Leaman | Sep 22, 2022
A Most Unpopular Novel Hypothesis Charley has discovered a secret, centuries old, a confidence trick, still practised today. How can she prove it and who will believe her? Will the powerful financial services sector in the UK stop her making it public? How might the...
by Tim Leaman | Sep 22, 2022
Quakers and the First World War: Conscience and Courage from a Leeds Perspective Contributors: Diane Exley, Patricia Gerwat, Robert Keeble, and Susan Robson Editor: Veronica O’Mara World War 1 was traumatic for Quakers in Leeds as for everyone at the time. The Quaker...
by Tim Leaman | Sep 22, 2022
Great Lives Editors: Elaine Phillips & Michael Sessions “An engineer and moth expert who journeyed across the United States with Mark Twain; a hero of the 1920 Olympics who went on to win a Nobel Peace Prize; and a pacifist who helped ensure Gandhi had a place at...